Calling all technophiles… BjornsBest.Com will feature your review request

Next month in anticipation of the black Friday sales we are looking for your review ideas and will feature the three best requests

This November we are calling on all technophiles to submit their latest review request to us. Out of all submission we will pick three to be reviewed her on BjornsBest.Com.

Please you the below contact for to tell us what you would like get the bluntly reviewed on and remember we review anything tech, from laptops, phones & gadgets to the latest tech stocks and smart money trades.

Submit your review request on the form below and tell us a little about why you would like to see it getting fairly reviewed on BjornsBest.Com. Do you have personal connection, or experience you could share?

In the past we have reviewed anything from latest app or software to Apple devices, tablets and smart watches, all the way to how to build a website in WordPress or Drupal and what the benefits and downsides of website builders are. We have reviewed the latest gadgets as well as analyses tech stocks and new social media platforms as they scaled up. At BjornsBest.Com we are entrepreneurs at heart and are passionate about start-up and innovations through technology.

All ideas are welcome and as per usual the quirkier the better. Keep it weird y’all

    What Tech Do We Review @ BjornBest.Com

    What kind of review does BjornBest.Com focus on you ask?

    Well we are not fuzzy about what tech we review here at as long as it’s innovative, helps users to do more cool stuff or could change the way we do things. We will review anything tech from a new start-up to the latest IPO, as well as scaling social media trends, software and cool apps. You name it, we have an option about it, or if not will get the facts and review them to form an opinion. Again we are not holding back here and are not affiliate with any of them either. We give an unfiltered view on tech and will look at the other side of innovation as well. Not all tech or innovation is good and we want to be objective when looking at the latest hype.

    We have a decade long passion for technology form the moment we had access to our first 56k modem, our curiosity has never satisfied. As tech innovation is developing at an ever faster pace there is need to cut through the noise and evaluate what’s worth investing in. At least we want to avoid you wasting cash on the next MiniDisc or DVD fad, while we are aiming at pointing you towards the next Apple and Amazons of this world. So here to us all prospering from the next tech innovation.

    If you have any cool tech that fits the bill and you’d like us to review it, please get in touch Email:

    or use the contact form below: